
Hi honeys! I’m Bianca aka the Womb Healing Queen.

I’m a women’s health + fertility coach whose passion is helping women reclaim their fertility, femininity and power.

I want to start off by saying, I’ve been in your shoes. The truth is that I suffered for YEARS with my own health issues due to hormonal birth control. Not only did birth control make my life a living hell while I was on it...things shifted for the worse once I got off.

No one told me the symptoms I would experience afterwards would be just as frustrating as the loss of libido, vaginal pain, depression and anxiety I suffered with while on the IUD.

Birth control led to me developing cystic acne, hypothyroidism and PCOS once I got off. 

The reason I am so passionate about what I do is because I’ve lived through a nightmare of health issues.

I am so proud of the woman I am today and I truly believe EVERY WOMAN deserves to feel this way, regardless of her current health or diagnoses. I healed my post birth control PCOS.I healed my hypothyroidism.

I healed my chronic anxiety and depression.

I healed my cystic acne. 

I went from not ovulating to ovulating every single month. 

I used food as medicine. 

I learned body literacy. 

I synced my life to my cycle I nourished my beaten down thyroid, gut, liver and body as a whole.

I created safety in my body and regulated my nervous system (did you know healing can only occur in A REST + DIGEST state?!) 

I created a lifestyle filled with healing habits that helps me effortlessly maintain my health.

I learned how to support my hormones FOR LIFE. I became my own advocate and my own best healer. 

Everything I did to heal, I teach you inside my programs.

When I say if I can do it, you can too. I 10000% mean it. 
