Break Up With Birth Control

Safely get off birth control - without the negative side effects (acne, unwanted weight gain & period problems)

Learn to track your cycle naturally

Get rid of your PMS & chronic bloat for good

Safely get off birth control

I’ll walk you through this to make it as simple as possible. If you’re already off your BC, don’t worry. This is where you’ll learn to start detoxing your body from the synthetic hormones as quickly as possible.

Track your cycle naturally

Learn and master the best form of natural birth control: the Fertility Awareness Method. The amount of confidence you will have in knowing your body’s cycles and preventing unwanted pregnancy is insane.

Get rid of PMS & chronic bloat

As women we have four different phases of the menstrual cycle. It’s so important to know how to eat, exercise, work & emotionally thrive in each phase. Practicing this method of working WITH your cycle will eliminate burnout, heal your PMS & naturally allow you to release bloat.

If you’re reading this right now...

You’re most likely tired of hearing there’s “nothing wrong with you” from your doctors.

You know you’re not meant to be feeling chronically bloated, experiencing crippling PMS & painful periods.

The sad truth is that we’ve been lied to as women.

Birth control is not the one-size-fits-all solution that doctors have claimed it to be.

In fact, it’s a slow poison and one of the main reasons why so many women today struggle with PMS, stubborn belly fat, acne, low libido, depression and even infertility.

I get infuriated every time I think about it.

Did you know that birth control is a group 1 carcinogen along with radiation & tobacco?

Did you know that birth control depletes your gut of essential b vitamins & minerals and good gut bacteria?

Did you know that women on birth control have a 40% higher chance of depression?

Did you know that birth control causes estrogen dominance which leads to stubborn belly fat, mood swings and fatigue?

I could go on & on...

but what I’m really here to do is help you make an informed decision if birth control is right for you.

As women, we have to be our own health advocates.

I’m sure you’re thinking,

“Ok Bianca, so how the hell do I get off? Where do I even start? How will I prevent unwanted pregnancy? What happens next?”

Don’t worry babe, I got you.

In comes...

Break Up With Birth Control

THE course for women who are ready to ditch synthetic hormones... they can finally get to the root cause of their hormone & period problems.

Because nobody has time to deal with these issues forever, right?!

This course will take the headache out of this process for you.

I give you a step by step proven method.

No more guessing games.

No more wasted time & money.


Who is this course for?

Does this sound like you?

You're currently on birth control and are tired of the PMS, painful periods & chronic bloat

You're ready to get off birth control but have no idea where to start or what to use as a natural form of birth control

You currently have acne & skin issues even though your doc promised birth control would get of it

You desperately wish you could experience a period free of pain that doesn’t put you out for a whole week

You have PCOS and have been told that birth control is the only way for you to heal (even though you know it’s just masking your symptoms)

You have low libido since being on birth control and are ready to feel sexy & sensual again

You're not on birth control & are ready to feel confident that you can prevent unwanted pregnancy with ease

If you answered yes to any of these…

this course is perfectly designed to help you.

So why did I create this course?

Because I’ve been in your shoes.

I tried every form of birth control there was and all of them made me suffer.

I was left depressed, overweight, & desperate for change.

When I finally got my IUD taken out, my body slowly began to heal.

BUT then I experienced something nobody talks about…


I was once again left scared & frustrated.

Acne, unwanted weight gain, anxiety and inconsistent periods.

I dealt with this for a year until I dove all the way into my own research and schooling.

I spent thousands of dollars and hours figuring out how to properly get off BC, how to heal your hormones after you’re off and finding the best form of natural birth control.

I did the hard work so you don’t have to.

(This is my before and after transformation)

What if you could...

Safely get off birth control

Learn to get off BC safely.  There’s a super important detox that you must follow to avoid the potential dreaded post birth control syndrome. I’ll walk you through this to make it s simple as possible. If you’re already off your BC, don’t worry. This is where you’ll learn to start detoxing your body from the synthetic hormones as quickly as possible.

Confidently track your cycle

Learn and master the best form of natural birth control: the Fertility Awareness Method. The amount of confidence you will have in knowing your body’s cycles and preventing unwanted pregnancy is insane.

Restore your body to its natural health

Bring your body to its highest level of health. Healing your gut & hormones after getting off BC is crucial to make sure you can start thriving. This will lay the foundation to achieving & maintaining the body & health of your dreams.

Get rid of chronic health issues & bloat

As women we have four different phases of the menstrual cycle. It’s so important to know how to eat, exercise, work & emotionally thrive in each phase. Practicing this method of working WITH your cycle will eliminate burnout, heal your PMS & naturally allow you to release bloat.

Learn the basics of healing your body

THIS is the secret sauce. Womb healing is one of the best tools for clearing out the toxic & negative energy that has been plaguing your womb aka your vagina. Not only will your period problems disappear with this healing, but you will also call in abundance of all forms.

Get back to your happy, healthy, sexy self

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What if you could...

Safely get off birth control

We start with getting you off BC safely.  There’s a super important detox that you must follow to avoid the potential dreaded post birth control syndrome. I’ll walk you through this to make it s simple as possible. If you’re already off your BC, don’t worry. This is where you’ll learn to start detoxing your body from the synthetic hormones as quickly as possible.

Confidently track your cycle

This is where you’ll learn and master the best form of natural birth control: the Fertility Awareness Method. The amount of confidence you will have in knowing your body’s cycles and preventing unwanted pregnancy is insane.

Restore your body's health naturally

This is where you’ll bring your body to its highest level of health. Healing your gut & hormones after getting off BC is crucial to make sure you can start thriving. This will lay the foundation to achieving & maintaining the body & health of your dreams.

Learn cycle syncing & feel your natural best

As women we have four different phases of the menstrual cycle. It’s so important to know how to eat, exercise, work & emotionally thrive in each phase. Practicing this method of working WITH your cycle will eliminate burnout, heal your PMS & naturally allow you to release bloat.

Learn the foundations of healing your body

THIS is the secret sauce. Womb healing is one of the best tools for clearing out the toxic & negative energy that has been plauging your womb aka your vagina. Not only will your period problems disappear with this healing, but you will also call in abundance of all forms.

Break Up With Birth Control

The number one course for women who want to

Safely get off birth control - without the negative side effects (acne, unwanted weight gain & period problems)

Learn to track their cycle naturally

Get rid of their PMS & chronic bloat for good

Learn how to safely get off bc (without the negative side effects-acne, unwanted weight gain & period problems), begin tracking your cycle & get rid of your pms & chronic bloat for good.

About me

Meet Bianca

Certified Women's Health Coach

Welcome, Beautiful

I’m Bianca. Your guide in this journey to feeling radiant, sexy & empowered in your health.The world of women’s health is a crazy place filled with crash diets, misinformation and fear.

I suffered for years with PMS, weight gain, acne, depression  and not feeling at home in my body until I decided I wasn’t going to live that way anymore.

So I took charge of my health & became my own advocate… and now I’m here to help you do the same.

If you’re reading this right now, you’re most likely tired of hearing there’s “nothing wrong with you” from your doctors, chronically bloated, exhausted & desperate to wake up feeling truly happy in your body.

This is not the way your life is meant to be lived.

If you desire to…
Finally get to the root of what’s going on with your hormones, period & weight
Ditch the toxic medications, food & birth control women are pushed to consume
Achieve & maintain the dream body you desire
Have a period free of PMS & pain
Confidently know how to prevent pregnancy naturally without synthetic hormones
Understand how to heal your body using simple & easy to implement food & lifestyle changes
Then this is the space for you.
Make yourself at home.
I’m excited to have you here.

From my students

Girl, you are the real deal!

This is my second period after your course. I have to say my fibroid consistency is getting much
less the blood is changing. Things are happening andI'm healing. My period came as targeted and planned. I didn't feel like I was going through childbirth this time and my hormones are leveling out so much. Girl you are the real deal. You know what is going on. You have the answers so many need. So much love and light to you and the influence you've had on my life.

Holly U.

The difference is staggering!

I have struggled with my cycles since I started at 12. I was on the pill at 14 they were so bad. It’s been a full year since stopping BC. Day 1 of my cycle was still incredibly difficult after initially getting off. I would have about 8 hours of agonizing pain, fatigue, digestive issues, etc, just before I would start to bleed. It was like a mini 8 hour flu. I woke up this morning, shocked to find that I had started my cycle, without the previous aforementioned agony (and no, I would not have slept through it!). The difference is absolutely staggering. Bianca, I don’t know how to thank you for your work, but please continue to do what you do as you are making an incredible impact on women like me.

Robyn C.

I never knew a PMS-free life was possible!

I have noticed a significant difference in my mood, bloating & PMS since this course. I used to struggle SO badly with serious PMS rage (that is not an understatement) and significant bloating (like 10lbs). I feel more in tune with my feminine nature and really embracing my cycle. I never knew a PMS free life was possible.

Carly W.

My sex drive is way up!

I’m going on almost 2 weeks without hormonal birth control & I’m so excited. Here’s how i’m feeling: I feel more mentally clear. I feel much more outgoing/social (more than I have in years) - reduced social anxiety. My sex drive is way up - didn’t think I had much of an issue there but I’ve noticed a huge change! Excited to keep exploring how good my body will feel!

Alyssia S.

Course Modules

The Break Up & Detox

Confidently Track Your Cycle

Restoring Your Body

Cycle Syncing

The Energetics of Healing

This program is self paced. You will have access to a membership site with all course modules, materials & more.

This program is for you if…

You are ready to heal your body, your hormones & your life

You are willing & excited to show up every week on my the live calls, participate and cheer on your ladies in the program

You are dedicated to changing your food choices, exercise & lifestyle practices to get the best results possible

You are ready to leave behind all the stories that tell you that you can’t heal holistically

This program is NOT for you if…

You aren’t willing to the do the work

You don’t want to participate and have a community of like minded women working towards healing together

You don’t want to invest your time, money and energy into your health


3 payments of


You would be able to start with single payment of $183 USD (followed by 2 payments of $183 USD each)

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1 payment of


Just one payment of $497

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(most popular)


Contact Bianca directly to see if this course is right for you!

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Autumn G.
Shaina M.
Marisa M.
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Women Are Being LIED TO.

You’ve been lied to about so many things about your womanhood especially your fertility and menstrual cycle.
On top of that, women have been convinced they need something outside of themselves to control, monitor or numb her body and cycle.
Birth control, midol, advil, Metformin…all things given to a woman to control her cycle.
A woman’s body is not a machine that needs to be controlled. Our bodies actually give us messages everyday in the form of fertile cues, our period, symptoms, etc

If we numb and silence those messages…how can we ever get to the root cause of what we need to heal?

Learning to speak the language of your body is a gift of body literacy that every woman deserves to have.

Body literacy helped me heal my hormone imbalances, reclaim my fertility and feel at home in my feminine body again.

250+ 5 Star Reviews

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Have you ever wondered...

Do you know who convinced us we had to be on these medications/quick fixes in the first place?
The medical community.

Birth control especially is a gateway to being prescribed thyroid meds, anxiety meds and depression meds.

They basically just want to create customers FOR LIFE.

That’s why I’m so passionate about liberating my sisters from the shackles of the medical community.

You deserve to know the truth about your fertility and menstrual cycle.

First, let’s dive into a couple very important PSA’s…shall we?

  • Birth control does not heal your hormones or regulate your period…it just acts as a bandaid for your symptoms.

  • It is common but not normal to have PMS…those PMS symptoms are messages of your current hormonal imbalance.

  • Your period is not just some annoying thing that happens every month…it’s literally your fifth vital sign (other vital signs are your heart rate and blood pressure) that can give you insight into your health as a whole.

  • You cannot get pregnant every day of the month…your fertile window is only 5-7 days PER MONTH and can be tracked using your own fertile cues.

  • Your cycle is not just referring to your period…you actually have 4 phases of your cycle and you should be eating, exercising, socializing and working differently through each phase.

  • Dark blood, light blood, heavy periods, painful periods, etc are not normal…these are messages your period is giving you to show you what hormone imbalances you are currently experiencing.

  • Your feminine body is SO INTELLIGENT.

Imagine if you could decode each message and get to the root cause of your hormone imbalances?

Imagine if you knew exactly when you were fertile and when you weren’t?

Imagine if you could look and feel your best all month because you knew exactly how to eat, exercise and the lifestyle practices to follow for each phase?

This could be the difference between you feeling disconnected and a stranger in your body to feeling empowered and truly at home in your body.

If you’re reading this right now, you’re probably feeling just how I was…

  • You’re tired of doctors not taking you seriously or constantly dismissing you.

  • You know birth control isn’t right for you but you’re unsure where to even start with tracking ovulation and your cycle.

  • You want to eliminate that anxiety around getting pregnant because you have no idea when you're even fertile.

  • You feel disconnected from your body and you have no idea what’s even going on at this point with your hormones.

  • You’re done with having to deal with PMS, painful cycles and cramps.

  • You want to connect deeper to your body, femininity and womb.

  • You’re ready to learn the secret language of your menstrual cycle.

  • You are ready to become your own healer.

I feel you sister.

I was fed up and I demanded answers too.

I knew I was meant to thrive and feel empowered in my health. That’s when I took a leap of faith, trusting my intuition to get off hormonal birth control and dive deep into learning about my cycle.

This created the most beautiful ripple effect in my life that has led me to where I am today.

What is it:

This bundle of videos is sacred feminine wisdom that will be passed down through generations.

You will walk away:

🌸Knowing exactly how to identify your fertile window so you can prevent or plan a pregnancy using the Fertility Awareness Method

🌸Knowing how to listen to your period symptoms like PMS and cramps aw messengers of what’s going on internally so you can heal whatever imbalance is happening

🌸A master at working with each phase of your menstrual cycle so you can look, feel and perform your best all month long with ease

🌸Developing a toolkit of womb healing practices that will heal menstrual cycle issues and fertility issues on a deep emotional + physical level

This is what you SHOULD be taught in school about your fertility and menstrual cycle.

I’m here as your fertility + menstrual cycle fairy godmother to teach you everything you need to know about the Fertility Awareness Method, your menstrual cycle and learning the language of your womb.

Let’s break down the videos:

Video 1: The Fertility Awareness Method

In this video you’ll learn the BEST form of natural birth control with a 98% effectiveness rate with correct use which is exactly what I’m going to teach you. You’ll learn what your body’s fertile cues are to pinpoint your fertile window to either prevent pregnancy or plan a pregnancy.

Video 2: Cycle Syncing

Learning how to live cyclically is the most effortless way to look and feel your best all month long. Cycle syncing is eating, exercising, socializing and working for each phase of your cycle. This is the ultimate hack for women.

Video 3: Your Fifth Vital Sign

Your menstrual cycle is just as important and informative to your health as your blood pressure and heart rate. Isn’t that powerful? In this video you will learn how to use your period as a health tool. Everything from the color of your blood to the length to the frequency is sending a message for you to decode.

Video 4: Womb Healing

This one is extra special to me. What we so often overlook on our hormone healing journey is the energetic and spiritual root of our symptoms. Trauma, stress, repressed emotions and more get stored in our wombs and hip area. When we don’t tend to this space, intentionally clear these things and create safety in our wombs, hormone imbalances and menstrual irregularities will follow.

This is an exclusive Black Friday offer that will be available until 12/3/22 so you don’t want to sleep on this honey.
You might be thinking…ok maybe it works for you but will it work for me?!

Why does it work?

Don’t get me wrong this journey wasn’t easy and there were lots of ups and downs along the way. Post birth control PCOS, hypothyroidism, amenorrhea (missing period), low progesterone, estrogen dominance, insulin resistance…I’ve been through it.

And I've used body literacy tools to do a complete 180.I’ve been tracking my cycle for 7 years with no pregnancy scares.

I got off birth control, thyroid medication.

I’ve reversed my insulin resistance. I have a regular 28 day cycle and ovulate every month on day 14 like clockwork. I embrace my cycle and all the magic that comes with being a woman.

I’ve reversed food allergies. I am truly a Well Nourished Woman now. All because I took a leap of faith and invested time, energy and money into my health.

Now it’s your turn to blossom.

I had to search and search for this information for years.

There was so much trial and error.

So I invested into my education (upwards of $7k to date) to become certified in women’s hormone health to really embody this knowledge.

This video bundle was birthed from me compiling some of the most transformative practices in my healing journey.

Every video is not only jam packed with info but it’s SIMPLIFIED. You’ll get guides to go along with each video that will help you incorporate this into your life SEAMLESSLY.

This will save you many headaches, money, time and your precious energy.

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My story...

From the Creator of Break Up With Birth Control, The Womb Wellness Challenge & More

Because I’ve been in your shoes.

I tried every form of birth control there was and all of them made me suffer.

I was left depressed, overweight, & desperate for change.

When I finally got my IUD taken out, my body slowly began to heal.

BUT then I experienced something nobody talks about…


I had post birth control PCOS and hypothyroidism.

I was once again left scared & frustrated.

Acne, unwanted weight gain, anxiety and inconsistent periods.

I dealt with this for a year until I dove all the way into my own research and schooling.

I spent thousands of dollars and hours figuring out how to properly get off BC, how to heal your hormones after you’re off and finding the best form of natural birth control.

I mastered my own menstrual cycle learning to decode all of my symptoms to get to the root cause of my hormone imbalances.

I began to look at my cycle as a health tool and synced my life to cycle which made so many of my symptoms disappear.

Today, I am PCOS free, have a healthy thyroid, a regular 28 day cycle with day 14 ovulation and I feel confident in taking care of my health.

Now I’m here to help you feel this way too.

I did the hard work so you don’t have to.

Ok so I know what you’re thinking…

Bianca, I'm not one of THOSE women yet.”

You feel like this might not be for you because:
  • You don’t have a regular cycle

  • You’ve been told your cycle is too painful, wild, crampy and it NEEDS meds to be controlled

  • You currently don’t feel in touch with your body

  • You’re scared to get off hormonal birth control

  • You still feel some negative stigma around your cycle (it’s gross, annoying, painful, etc)

  • You have PCOS, endo or other hormonal condition that affects your cycle

Ok, so you may not have a regular cycle now BUT that does not mean you can’t regulate your cycle. I help women do this every day in my programs using simple food protocols, lifestyle changes and targeted supplement protocols. These videos will give you a good foundation on food and lifestyle changes that will positively impact your cycle. 

For those who have been told their period needs to be tamed to be bearable- first off, I’m sorry. This is such a shaming viewpoint and makes a woman feel resentment towards her cycle. These practices you will learn will show how you can heal your body naturally and have a painless, beautiful cycle. 

If you’re not feeling in tune with your body, don’t fret. We all start somewhere. When I first started diving into this knowledge, I didn’t even know anything about my anatomy, my pleasure centers and I certainly did not think my period was “powerful.” I will guide you through exercises and practices to connect you, ground you and help you feel safe in your body. It’s going to be amazing. 

Being scared to get off birth control is not ridiculous. There’s so much unknown of what’s going to happen after. I do have a step by step roadmap called Break Up With Birth Control that walks you through everything you need to do to heal after BC - find that HERE. I also want you to know I’m going to teach you the most effective way to prevent pregnancy naturally. I’ve been using this for 7 years and it not only has been effective but I feel so empowered to know that my body tells me exactly when I’m fertile and I know how to decode those fertile cues.

Girl, I was the queen of “I HATE MY PERIOD.” I equated my period to an annoying little sister who just wouldn’t let me live in peace. I didn’t realize that society has convinced me that my period was a hassle, something to be embarrassed about and something that was dirty. Getting caught buying tampons was SO EMBARASSING…and for what?! Your menstrual cycle has the power to create LIFE…what’s more beautiful than that?! We’ll crush all the stigmas and rewrite your story with this video bundle. 

Maybe you’ve been told you HAVE to be on birth control by your doctor. If you feel like you want to be on it, then fine- do what works for you. But for those women who DO NOT want to be on it despite their PCOS or endo diagnosis, you need to know this: YOU CAN HEAL NATURALLY.

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Here’s what some of those women have to say…

I know you're ready to take the leap.

What if it were THAT easy...

How would you like if gave you my step by step roadmap?

I’ll give you every tool, trick and hack to make this process simple, easy to implement and get you results quickly.

This will save you thousands of dollars, thousands of hours spent researching and countless doctor visits.

I did all the hard work so you don’t have to.

It’s packaged up all pretty for you to start diving into ASAP…

Body Literacy Bundle:

4 Video Modules in your private membership site:
  • Module 1- The Fertility Awareness Method

  • Module 2- Cycle Syncing

  • Module 3- Your Fifth Vital Sign

  • Module 4- Womb Healing

  • 4 Guides: downloadable guides to go along with the videos

  • Private discord community to make sure you’re integrating everything you’re learning, q&a, accountability, community and exclusive access to me

  • Available for purchase until 12/3/22 for only $111.

Each of these videos ALONE is worth $111.The community and support is truly priceless.

And this FEMININE WISDOM…OOFFFF more than priceless.

Every woman deserves to have this knowledge and that’s why I’ve made it so accessible. It is your birthright to fully understand your fertility and your menstrual cycle.

These tools and practices are things that cannot be taken away from you. Gone are the days where women have to rely on external sources to manage and control our fertility and cycles.

This is the era of the WELL NOURISHED AND EMPOWERED WOMAN equipped with this healing knowledge.

250+ 5 Star Reviews

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Are you ready to take the leap?

Here are more testimonials from other women I've worked with...

And you can see the difference its made

Did you skip to the end?

If you got to this section on the page, you skipped to the end or you simply love reading ;)

Here’s a quick summary of everything you’re getting by purchasing the Body Literacy Bundle:

  • Four pre-recorded videos on Fertility Awareness Method, cycle syncing, your fifth vital sign and womb healing that get stored in your private membership site

  • Four downloadable guides to go along with the videos that will also live in your membership site

  • A private group discord community to make sure you’re integrating everything you’re learning, q&a, accountability, community and exclusive access to me.

  • This is sacred feminine wisdom that will be passed down through generations. Body literacy helped me heal my hormone imbalances, reclaim my fertility and feel at home in my feminine body again.

Every woman deserves to have this knowledge and that’s why I’ve made it so accessible. It is your birthright to fully understand your fertility and your menstrual cycle.

These tools and practices are things that cannot be taken away from you. Gone are the days where women have to rely on external sources to manage and control our fertility and cycles.

This is the era of the WELL NOURISHED AND EMPOWERED WOMAN equipped with this healing knowledge.

250+ 5 Star Reviews

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Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can I just stop my birth control for this program or do I need to wean off?
Q: If I’m already off birth control but still dealing with negative side effects, can I still join this program?
Q: What if I can’t make the live calls?
Q: Will I have to buy hundreds of dollars worth of supplements?
Q: How can you guarantee results?