Women have walked away from my womb healing events and went on to experience:

  • Gaining a regular cycle after years of no flow

  • Feeling at home in their body for the first time in their lives

  • Manifesting a healthy pregnancy, even with a PCOS diagnosis

  • Achieving their dream body without restriction, diets and hatred towards their body

  • Orgasmic sex for the first time in LONG time

  • Releasing trapped emotions and trauma that have been creating disease + discomfort in their body

Womb healing is the FOUNDATION for you to feel at home in your body.You will be able to go on to create the life and health of your dreams.

250+ 5 Star Reviews

When: November 5, 2022
Where: San Diego, California

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We have so much disconnection to our bodies.
I’ll ask you a couple questions:

Is your womb a stranger or a best friend? Do you listen to the messages that she’s giving you?

Honey, that PMS, painful cycle, irregular cycle, libido issues or fertility issues are messages from your womb.

It's Her battle cry.

Your womb is your emotional junk drawer.

The more junk - cords connecting us to others, suppressed emotions, unhealed trauma- that we can pile in without clearing space, we leave no space for good.

We also carry the burden of all of that which weighs us down & keeps us stuck.

If you’ve been piling in junk- it’s time for a spring cleaning.

It’s time to RELEASE IT ALL.

It’s time to give yourself permission to be all that you are.

Your past experiences do not define who you are now & who you get to be.

It’s time to BLOOM.

This work is beautiful.

Every woman needs this.

This is why women need WOMB HEALING now more than ever

(this is what they’re not telling you)


The food you consume is either nourishing you or breaking your body down.

Between diet culture leading women to undereat (which really impacts your ability to have a regular period) and “healthy” foods filled with chemicals that can alter your gut flora or hormone levels.. it’s hard to know how to eat to feel + look your best.

Womb healing involves cycle syncing which shows you how to nourish your body through each phase of your cycle.


Birth control is prescribed like candy. We are taught to just trust doctors and to believe it’s completely safe.

The cold hard truth is that while bc is effective at preventing pregnancy, it comes with a lengthy list of side effects.

Bc directly cuts off the communication between you and your womb by stopping your natural flow of hormones. Imagine what this does long term.

Womb healing involves learning to track your cycle so you can naturally manage your fertility.


Sadly, we’re in a place now where it’s all too common to know someone experiencing fertility issues or experiencing PCOS.

We’re told to take this pill or pump our body with hormones to heal these things when in reality our bodies can heal naturally.

Womb healing helps get to the root cause of the issue and boosts hormonal balance + fertility.


It’s time for the rise of the divine feminine. Society is not built for women. We aren’t designed to hustle like the world wants us to.

The way the world is today is causing women to be chronically stressed, burnt out + disconnected from our bodies.

Women are cyclical by nature and should live according to their cycles. It’s time to utilize and recognize the power our cycles can bring. Womb healing helps us do this.

What is womb healing?

I’m sure you feel inundated everyday with new information on what you should or shouldn’t be doing to start healing. 

Instead of leaving feeling confused on what to do, I want to empower you with tools to become your own healer. 

Womb healing is foundational for all women (whether you’re 21 or 45). 

It combines both physical & energetic healing. 

All dis-ease starts in the energetic & emotional body and manifests physically. 

That’s why if you’re just taking supplements and exercising you might feel stuck at a plateau. 

Healing goes so much deeper.

Let’s start with the physical parts of womb healing: cycle syncing, embodiment practices, nutrition, supplements, movement, breathwork (just to name a few).

I’ll be honest, that’s the most simple part. 

The emotional & energetic piece is where things get juicy. 

This is the part where you can release suppressed emotions & trauma. 

This leads to POWERFUL transformation

I use techniques like EFT/tapping, meditation & reiki to help guide you through. 

The last thing I want is for you to experience this womb healing magic and think that you’ll never get to experience this again unless you work with me.

This is NOT that type of healing.

Everything is done with you and with the basis that YOU are your own best healer.

Womb healing will empower you with the tools to start healing yourself.

You will not walk away feeling confused on what to do next.

You will have a tool belt full of healing practices and a clear plan of what to do. 

This is not just “love & light” your trauma away.

You will get REAL proven  practices that actually work that combine mind & body. 

You will be safely guided through everything.

Womb healing is reclaiming your cycle. 
Womb healing is owning your power as a woman. 
Womb healing is achieving + maintaining your dream body.
Womb healing is celebrating the sensual woman that you are.

The best part about it is that you don’t have to rely on someone else to do the “healing” for you.

You get equipped with the knowledge and the tools needed, and then you get to be your own healer.

I’ve gained confidence, safety, peace and so much healing through these practices.

I want this for you too. 

Who is this for?

This is not for everyone.

This Womb Healing Immersion is for a very specific woman.

  • She’s ready to liberate herself from the shackles of hormone imbalances, period problems and chronic stress. ‍

  • She’s done feeling disconnected to her body and wants to feel safe, present + proud to be in her body.

  • She is prepared to release unhealed trauma + suppressed emotions.

  • She feels a STRONG calling to dive deep into womb healing work.

  • She doesn’t want to dip her toes because she isn’t half-assing her healing.

  • She’s craving a safe space to connect with other women- expanding in intimacy & sisterhood.

  • She’s ready to tap into her sensual energy and drop the shame, guilt and fear around it for good.

  • She’s ready to invest her energy, time + money.

  • She trusts that this investment will come back tenfold.

I know you’ve tried it all and it seems like nothing is working.

I know you’ve seen women posting about how empowered they are and it seems like you’ll never get there.

I know you’re sick and tired of having hormone imbalances, cycle problems and just not feeling at home in your body and you’ll do just about anything at this point to heal them.

What’s going to get you there is not just a way of eating, meditating a couple times, taking certain supplements, or blindly listening to a tiktok guru on what you can and can’t do to heal…

It’s having a toolbelt of healing practices & recognizing you can be your own healer.

This is what you get with womb healing.

If you want this, let’s wake you up to how radiant, sexy & empowered you are.

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Take it from me...

From the Creator of The Womb Wellness Challenge

My relationship to my womb was absent for so many years of my life. I experienced sexual trauma which led to disconnection and suppressed emotions. I was on toxic birth control for 6 years of my life. I never felt safe expressing & owning my feminine power. 

My first experience with womb healing was with getting off birth control and learning the fertility awareness method. I was both fascinated and outraged that I was never educated properly on how my body worked. I was fed up with feeling like a stranger in my body.

As I dug deeper, I realized changing the foods I was eating and tracking my cycle wasn’t enough. I still held so much shame & pain around my body and my sexuality. Those suppressed emotions were eating me alive. That’s when I started the deeper work with my womb.

When I first started practicing womb healing my body would FILL with shame + I would have DIED if you told me I’d be sharing and leading women in these practices. That’s because I never felt at home in my body.

I was always dissociating.

I was always wishing for a better relationship with it.

Yet, I never took action.

It wasn’t until I discovered womb healing that I even knew it was possible to feel at home in your body.

Supporting my womb through nutrition and cycle syncing was the easy part.

But the somatic practices and the meditations…ugh those were tough.

At first, the movements felt uncomfortable and awkward.

So much tightness in my hips.

Every time I would move I would feel embarrassed and shameful.

That’s where the meditation practice came in.

I would allow myself to explore these feelings.

WHYYYY were they there?

WHEREEE were they coming from?

Are these my own feelings or just what I've been told or conditioned to believe about my body?

Each day that passed, I gained more insight to why i held so much shame and sadness and pain in my womb space.

Each day became a new opportunity to release and also to nourish + appreciate.

The practice became a GIFT that I love to share with any woman who comes into my world.

Womb healing helped me to regulate my cycle, ignite my libido and fully step into my power as a woman.

What you'll experience

To begin the day we’ll focus on clearing what no longer belongs in the womb and your body. 

This is where we build a stable foundation for your healing. 

We will gently release any stored emotions, trauma and cords. 

You will be held and supported through this process.

Then, we will anchor in safety, love +trust into your womb and body. 

Next, we will activate + awaken the connection to your womb.

We’ll end with instilling new beliefs and setting intentions for the new relationship you want to have with your womb.  

If you walked in as a stranger to your womb - you’re going to leave in a full blown, steamy, passionate marriage.

It’s my mission to equip you with the tools to become your own healer.

Are you ready to answer the calling?

You must come ready to liberate yourself- with an open mind and open heart. 

I can’t share the exact itinerary with you yet but we will be incorporating POTENT exercises such as

  • Yoni Steaming

  • Sacred Screaming

  • Shaking

  • Breathwork

  • Tapping

  • Womb Meditations

  • Womb Light Healing

Plus so much more…

Integration AFTER is so important to make sure you maintain this new version of yourself. That’s why you’ll be added into a private group Voxer for the month that follows the event. You’ll have daily access to me for questions + support and access to the sisterhood.

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Womb Healing will take you from feeling like a stranger in your body, to feeling confident & powerful in your femininity

Whether you want to heal your hormones, your cycle, your sexuality, your relationship to your body or just step into your divine feminine power…

This womb healing immersion will change your life forever.

You’ll learn incredible tools you can incorporate into your life seamlessly.

You’ll walk away feeling empowered, connected to your body like never before and ready to create a ripple effect of healing in your life. 

You will officially enter your well nourished woman era. A woman who is radiant, sexy and empowered.

What if I told you...

What if I told you that I could give you the tools to create safety, trust and connection to your body?

These three things are the foundation for a healthy, vital and thriving body, mind and spirit. 

These tools will heal your period problems, heal your hormones, heal your chronic stress, ignite your libido and finally free you of the suppressed emotions and trauma.

And you can use these tools for LIFE.

Womb Healing Immersion

  • Gain a regular cycle, even after years of no flow

  • Feel at home in your body

  • Manifest a healthy pregnancy (even with a PCOS diagnosis)

  • Achieve your dream body without restriction, diets and hatred towards your body

  • Have orgasmic sex again

  • Release trapped emotions and trauma that have been creating disease + discomfort in your body

Womb healing is the FOUNDATION for you to feel at home in your body.You will be able to go on to create the life and health of your dreams.

250+ 5 Star Reviews

When: November 5, 2022
Where: San Diego, California

Sign Me Up!

Still curious about the results?

Here are more testimonials from other women I've worked with...

And you can see the difference its made

Did you skip to the end?

If you got to this section on the page, you skipped to the end or you simply love reading. 

Here’s a quick summary of everything you’re getting by joining the Womb Healing Immersion.

  • A full day retreat of womb healing practices and so much healing & empowerment

  • A month of group voxer coaching after the event to make sure you’re integrating everything you learned, accountability, community and daily access to me.

  • At the event you'll gain a toolkit of womb healing practices that you can do daily, weekly or monthly at home- you’ll step into your own best healer.

This event will not only give you the health of your dreams…It will also help you become a woman who creates the LIFE of her dreams.

250+ 5 Star Reviews

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Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Where will the event be held?
Q: How will the event work?
Q: Are there any requirements to be able to come to the event?
Q: What type of activities will we be doing?
Q: How can you guarantee results?